Back to Mexico!

As you may or may not know I moved back to Mexico for 3 months. What I’m doing now is Titus project with Youth with a Mission in Tijuana Mexico. Last year I lived here for 9 months studying the bible in the Chronological School of Biblical Studies. In a nutshell we used an inductive method to interpret the bible for life change. In the school we studied every book of the bible verse for verse using the historical context as the key to understand the bible. Now after the bible school I felt that what I had been learning should be spread to others and not just kept to myself. After some time I made my mind that a practical way to share with others and learn about teaching was to do the Titus project. The Titus project is a 3 month seminar which will take 3 weeks of intensive lecture to prepare you for a little over 2 months of teaching. So I’m excited to be back and I’m excited to be challenged in this new chapter of my life God is certainly stretching my comfort zone as I get ready to actual teach others. Now I have never really taught a whole class by myself before so I’m a little anxious to see how it will go. So as you read this I could use your prayers for the upcoming months to be a teacher that is humble yet confident to teach and preach. Thanks so much for your support I’m excited to be starting this blog I hope to be updating it semi frequently on the things I’m learning, doing and seeing.


 a post by -N A T E    L O N G L E T

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